Friday, August 9, 2013

Torture Sesh number T.W.O

So I took the weekend off from the gym due to my inability to move. Yea, my fiance thinks it's so funny too.

Managed to get my butt moving Sunday for the Red Sox game.  As long as I was sitting  was fine! But I swear I saw the devil at the top and bottom of the stairs to and from my seat.  Although I was able to walk with no assistance from the railing...

So Monday comes around and I decide to take my fiance up on a friendly game of tennis.  That wasn't so bad.  We play all the time.  I'm used to moving like that until I try the stop full sprint and twist to the left for one of those stupid fake me out balls. Woooooo thigh and belly are still torn open!!!

I was able to drag myself through a whole match just to lose 4:3... but that means I won 3 ;)

7:30pm another appointment with Frankie.  This time we're focusing on cardio and arms. OH FOR JOY.

We start with jump rope... this isn't that bad, children do this.............. Well I didn't fall, I take that as a triumph.

Next we did abs, this move I renamed the phantom chair.  Just one minute Frankie says... Liz that was only 20 seconds keep going... you still have 30 come on girl..... ok you're crossing your feet is making it harder for you straighten out.... ok you're done now that wasn't so bad Frankie says... as he's standing over a soaking wet Liz writhing on the floor in pain. Conclusion: Frankie is a wizard who knows how to freeze time.

Dead lifts are next.  I have to say, that was actually not so bad.  But I should have known the worse was yet to come... on to arms.  Start with the inverted row... again not so bad.... then he says ok lay on this bench with these two 17.5lb weights above your head WAIT WHAT?????

Chest flys! Oh my friggin God these are like the lunges for arms.  10 reps of pure pain!  Before we went to the second set Frankie was nice enough to change out my 17.2lb weights to 15lb weights.  Wow, very generous, thanks pal now if you could just catch them before I drop them on my face that'd be great.

I comment as I'm walking out the door "I think I liked these exercises much better than the leg stuff!!!"

And then I woke up the next morning......

They always say feel blessed you wake up every morning!

Well THEY obviously have never done chest flys!!!!

Torture session 2/52


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