Monday, August 19, 2013

Oh what a nothing day....

Ever have one of those days where you just want to be... just be.... and then your eyes open wide because your alarm is going off and all you can thing is WHY!!!!???

Up and at em... today I had to fix myself up pretty for our wonderful photo shoot at work.  Now there is nothing like waking up on the wrong side of the bed and having to suffer through a two hour smile fest.

Not to mention I had to wear a white shirt.... LB does not wear white.  White always ends up with coffee dribbled down the front or V8 juice or some mystery spot....  Never fails.  So that means no coffee and no V8 juice and avoid all mysterious colored objects all day.   I made it through the day, very surprisingly, spotless.

By 3pm my energy had hit a total wall. Between interviewing people and smiling pretty for the camera, man you have no idea how exhausting it is!

Driving home I was fighting to keep my eyes open. But I made the decision to hit the gym...  I put my gym shoes on first thing when I get home... I know that I will not be moving if I let myself sit down...

I get to the gym and I just do not want to do anything.  I ran on the treadmill for 6 lousy minutes... didn't even want to be on it.  I didn't want to run I really didn't want to do anything.  So I get off and hit the ladies weight room.

I start with the inverted bench row.... and instantly hit frustration.  I was cut off on my way to the weights and right when I was about to grab the 15s this chick grabs them.  Whatever, I moved on to the single 20lb barbell. But now I was back to being irritated.  I finished off a couple stes of those then managed to do some lunges, the move I hate the most.   Forced myself to do 2 sets... or was it three?? I really wasn't even paying attention.  Tossed in a few sets of chest flys and finished off with a minute plank and both side planks.

Grabbed my stuff and headed to the rowing machine just to find it was occupied..... So I left.... and I feel as though it was the crummiest work out ever... but I still made it to the gym.  I'm starting to feel like I actually need Frankie........


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