Friday, August 9, 2013

So this is Frankie......

So after my first day at the gym and the dreaded phone call from Frankie, I managed to drag my self back to the gym twice.  My legs were killing me, I needed to support myself with the railing when I walked down the stairs.

I was sleeping like a baby at night.  Usually I have to take melatonin but since my ass kicking I think my body was trying to stop me by shutting down... completely.  8pm bedtime all week. Then 7am eyes wide open!

So comes Friday 11am. The dreaded first torture session. In walks Frankie.  He looks like an average guy. Calm, cool, collected.  We sit down and talk for about ten minutes... what are my goals, how I'm going to get there, etc....

Then on to 30 minutes of pure pain...  Lunges, squats... WHY DO YOU ALL LOVE THESE TWO TORTURE MOVES!!!!! Crunches, not so bad, then on to the inverted crunch... just ten of them he says...

SCREW YOUR TEN UPSIDE DOWN CRUNCHES!!!  He doesn't tell you it's two sets of ten on this torture device they call the inverted bench!  I think I literally felt my abs rip open.  Congratulations Frankie, you just help me simulate a C-Section!

So as he walks out calm, cool, and collected still.... I attempt to walk up those damned 47 stairs all while trying to hold my crumpled tortures body together... and I still had to drive home...

Torture session 1/52 :


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