Friday, August 9, 2013

How it all began....

AM- "Do you have a gym membership??"

Me- "Pssssshhhhhhh hahahahaha NO!"

AM-"lol I'm thinking about joining this gym near me"

Me- "I could join a gym get my booty in shape!"

And that's how it all began......

My wonderful cousin/maid of honor made the leap and joined a gym..... and so did I.  What's the big deal? I have been trying to lose weight just through dieting so I guess jumping on a treadmill a couple times a week can only help me reach my goal.  And so we made our first gym date, at 7 o' clock in the morning.

Now, I am not a get up and go type of gal.  I enjoy waking up and having a cup of coffee... watching the today show and kelly & Michael. So needless to say, I did not make out date.  I canceled.... And I spent the whole weekend thinking about going to the gym.   It's the thought that counts, right?

More like Karma's a bitch!!!!

So Monday roles around and I decide after work I AM GOING TO THE GYM.  I text AM and we set up our next gym date for that evening.  Well, this time she canceled on me.  But I am determined to get my butt moving.

I had signed up online so I ask AM what I have to do to get my little key chain.  I really was not in the mood to talk to anyone after a full day of fake smiles and customer service.  She tells me, "Oh it's so easy, just walk up to the desk and say you signed up online, and they'll give you a key chain and you're good to do your own thing..."

Yea, Karma's a bitch.

So I walk in and look for someone at the main desk... I must have looked like a sitting duck because they pounced!!!!!  All of a sudden I'm sitting down with your a-typical gym trainers.  There was the big black guy with bulging biceps... there was the angry white guy with the stare that looked like he hated my soul... and there was Mr. Paulie-D blow out.

Did you know every membership comes with a free evaluation and personal training session!!!!???? Because God damn it was my lucky day!!!!!!!

So I learn that I am 33% body fat with a BMI of 28.  Wow, I sure feel awesome about myself right now.  So, Mr. angry man and Paulie-D blow out take me and run me through a half hour of squats, and lunges, and resistant bands.... treadmill and crunches.... then we sit down and go over how I can look so wicked awesome hot on my wedding day if ONLY I sign up for personal training!!!

Now anyone who knows me knows I am a SUCKER! I cannot watch QVC or HSN, can't look at infomercials, or those new diet fad supplements!  I always give in.  So my month to month $10 membership turned into a 52 week personal training membership for oh what a pretty penny.

Not only that, I now have to walk up the 47 stairs to get back to my car.... Mr. Paulie-D blow out walked me out to make sure I didn't fall down the stairs.  And I couldn't walk for literally 4 days....

But I made it back the following day with AM and then the phone call came... "Hey Liz, it's Frankie I'm your new personal trainer... looking to set up a time soon....."


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