Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Tuesdays back. Oh how time flies when you're not looking forward to something. Again my day off has landed on a Tuesday and I don't want to go to the gym!  Again the fact that I paid primo dollars for my training session has me slapping myself around because I HAVE TO!!!!

Also the fact that we went out for lunch this afternoon and I had clam cakes and chowder.... And lobster rangoons....next fact is, it wasn't that great so to get fat because of ok food is unacceptable!  So my inner voice is sitting there saying go ahead and sit on that couch watching Ellen fatty!  That and the fact that I let myself have such a lame work out yesterday.......

So I had my V8 juice and apple cider vinegar to flush my body of some of the grease I just ingested and I will drag my butt to get my weekly Frankie beat down.

I shall refer to this session as F YOU FRANKIE!!!!!

I suppose I shouldn't have told him about my clam cakes because oh my God he kicked my ass.

Tonight we started with dead lifts. Me thinking we were gonna do our normal spaced out 2 sets of 10 reps told him to add ten more pounds on.... Then he thew a curve ball of back to back sets of ten... three of them... Thirty friggin 55 pound dead lifts all in a row.  What's the point of calling them sets if you put them all together????  When I went to walk away my legs felt like rubber!

Them he grabs a bench and we move on to what Frankie calls AMAPs aka As Many As Possibles... So he shows me the three moves I have to do. First move he calls pistol squats where you stand up on one leg, sit down, and then lift yourself using just that one leg rotating legs every time you stand.

Then this move where you hold a 20lb barbell and you swing it like a pendulum between your legs and then up over your head while squatting into it when it goes through your legs. Then onto transition push ups.  You have one hand on a medicine ball and one on the floor, you dip into a push up and when you come up you, still with the one hand on the ball, move the other hand to the ball and then switch the other hand to the ground.... This is the move that almost made me quit.

yea.... I don't look like that.............

I managed to get through three and a half sets over the course of my given 15 minutes. Frankie made it look so damn easy.  The pistol squats were horrendous especially after doing those dead lifts. I discovered my right leg is MUCH stronger than my left.  I felt like I had been shot in the ass every time I did the left leg!

 The pendulum wasn't too bad I took my time with these just to give myself a friggin break! Then the transition push ups, Frankie you fn suck...... 

This move was 100% torture. Every single second of it. I found myself drenched in sweat and I mean like 'shit did I just get out of the shower' soaking wet. I had to tune everyone out and tell that little voice that was saying "screw you Frankie I don't have to do any of this shit"  to shut the hell up, I was doing this for me and I am not gonna quit no matter how much I hated Frankie for putting me through this. By the third set I found myself staring at that stupid medicine ball sending it imaginary atomic bombs and plotting Frankie's demise. 

Thirty minutes was plenty, I don't know why I ever think it's not going to be enough. If I had time to look at the clock I would be willing it to move on but rather I have to count my seconds in measurements of pain.

 I told Frankie, after we finished, that I feel like I just crawled out of hell... His response was 'hey but you made it out!' He also told me I have come a long way from day one with him.... And all of a sudden Frankie is back to being my best worst friend. Awwww thanks Frankie.... 

No pain no gain!!!!!!! 4/52


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